J. K. Rowling has been the first to confess that in her depiction of the intricate, imaginary world of Harry Potter, she may have slipped up a few times with inaccuracies and inconsistencies in terms of plot, character and situation. In the seven-book series, there are mysteries and loose ends that have gone unsolved or unexplained, however trivial, that the dedicated reader will have pondered upon.
Where are the professors' families?
Do the teachers of Hogwarts have husbands, wives or families of their own? They all appear to be celibate, solitary and sacrificing their personal lives for the service of the school. Though, admittedly, picturing Snape or McGonagall in any kind of romantic scenario seems absurd.
Why do they celebrate Christmas at Hogwarts?
Is there a place in the magical world for Christianity or any religion for that matter? Can magic co-exist with different religions? It makes you wonder about the origins of the magical institutions in relation to religious ones.
Why is the magical world so eurocentric?
The Triwizard Tournament only involves three magical schools from Europe: Britain, France and an unnamed cold, northern European country. What about wizarding schools and magic in other countries and continents? And is Harry Potter’s name as well renowned in say, Jamaica, or Peru, as it is in Britain? A lot of the battles and histories of magic we learn about are centred in Europe. Perhaps there are other villains and heroes with their own stories in different parts of the world.
How possible is giantess-man love?
Hagrid, with feet the size of baby dolphins and hands the size of dustbin lids, is the son of a regular-sized wizard and a giantess. How on earth did his mother and father get it on, in practical terms? The size difference would have been huge as giants can grow up to 25 feet in height.
Map mishaps
Fred and George Weasley were the owners of the Marauder’s Map before they passed it on to Harry in aid of mischief making. Yet, if they had been devoted to learning the map’s passageways and happenings, how did they not see the name Peter Pettigrew labelled when Scabbers was with them? After all, he was also Percy’s pet rat before he was Ron’s so surely he would have been in a visible vicinity to the twins.
How clean is the boy who lived?
When and where does Harry wash? He almost always just gets straight out of bed and goes either down to breakfast or on some kind of mission. There is the prefect’s bathroom but there is no description of a Gryffindor dormitory bathroom. And when he starts experiencing adolescence where and when does he shave?
Doesn’t Hermione miss her parents?
She spends her term times at Hogwarts and many of the holidays with Ron, Harry and the Weasleys. Does Hermione ever actually see her mum and dad?
Does Harry keep certain abilities after Voldemort's downfall?
For instance, can Harry still speak Parseltongue after the piece of Voldemort that was in him has been destroyed?
Priori Incantatem inaccuracy
During the scene of Priori Incantatem in Goblet of Fire, Voldemort’s wand regurgitates its spells, with the most recent first. As they should have been revealed in reverse order to when they actually died, Lily should have erupted from the wand before James, as he died first. This is the opposite of how it is presented in the book.
Hogwarts birthdays
Why don’t we ever see a celebration of Ron or Hermione’s birthdays even though both days fall during term time at Hogwarts?
First published on ReadWave at www.readwave.com/katie.avis.riordan/
Where are the professors' families?
Do the teachers of Hogwarts have husbands, wives or families of their own? They all appear to be celibate, solitary and sacrificing their personal lives for the service of the school. Though, admittedly, picturing Snape or McGonagall in any kind of romantic scenario seems absurd.
Why do they celebrate Christmas at Hogwarts?
Is there a place in the magical world for Christianity or any religion for that matter? Can magic co-exist with different religions? It makes you wonder about the origins of the magical institutions in relation to religious ones.
Why is the magical world so eurocentric?
The Triwizard Tournament only involves three magical schools from Europe: Britain, France and an unnamed cold, northern European country. What about wizarding schools and magic in other countries and continents? And is Harry Potter’s name as well renowned in say, Jamaica, or Peru, as it is in Britain? A lot of the battles and histories of magic we learn about are centred in Europe. Perhaps there are other villains and heroes with their own stories in different parts of the world.
How possible is giantess-man love?
Hagrid, with feet the size of baby dolphins and hands the size of dustbin lids, is the son of a regular-sized wizard and a giantess. How on earth did his mother and father get it on, in practical terms? The size difference would have been huge as giants can grow up to 25 feet in height.
Map mishaps
Fred and George Weasley were the owners of the Marauder’s Map before they passed it on to Harry in aid of mischief making. Yet, if they had been devoted to learning the map’s passageways and happenings, how did they not see the name Peter Pettigrew labelled when Scabbers was with them? After all, he was also Percy’s pet rat before he was Ron’s so surely he would have been in a visible vicinity to the twins.
How clean is the boy who lived?
When and where does Harry wash? He almost always just gets straight out of bed and goes either down to breakfast or on some kind of mission. There is the prefect’s bathroom but there is no description of a Gryffindor dormitory bathroom. And when he starts experiencing adolescence where and when does he shave?
Doesn’t Hermione miss her parents?
She spends her term times at Hogwarts and many of the holidays with Ron, Harry and the Weasleys. Does Hermione ever actually see her mum and dad?
Does Harry keep certain abilities after Voldemort's downfall?
For instance, can Harry still speak Parseltongue after the piece of Voldemort that was in him has been destroyed?
Priori Incantatem inaccuracy
During the scene of Priori Incantatem in Goblet of Fire, Voldemort’s wand regurgitates its spells, with the most recent first. As they should have been revealed in reverse order to when they actually died, Lily should have erupted from the wand before James, as he died first. This is the opposite of how it is presented in the book.
Hogwarts birthdays
Why don’t we ever see a celebration of Ron or Hermione’s birthdays even though both days fall during term time at Hogwarts?
First published on ReadWave at www.readwave.com/katie.avis.riordan/